
Showing posts from 2020

What's been going on

 Just a few things that I've been doing: I did a manifestation ritual on 11/11.  It used candles that represented health/prosperity/love/protection/self.   Since Samhain I've felt a presence when I'm at my altar area.  It's always on my right side.  I have a friend coming one day to help me be sure it's a guide and not something dark.  I don't think it is, but it's better to be sure, and she's better at that part in her practice. I bought some new Oracle cards--  Dark Mirror, Wisdom of the Night, and Dream.  I'm hoping they help me grow in different aspects of my practice.   I've been so tired after work each day.  I'm so unprepared in the mornings that I haven't been writing down my dreams.  I need to make myself write down what I remember right away so I can add them to my log later.   I did a Reiki session on my mom the other day.  It felt good to use my skills to help.  It seemed she fully enjoyed t...

More Work

I have been feeling lately that my shadow work is not done.  I thought it done for a long time.  However, I've always had a feeling in the back of me that there was more.  I've felt for a while I have a past trauma, either from my childhood or my past lives, blocking me from progressing.  So, it is time to do more research and dive deeper. I'll admit I'm a bit scared.  The last workings took a lot out of me (the joys of shadow work + chronic illnesses).  But I know I need this.  It's needed not only to progress, but also to heal and grow.   Any tips?  A trip into shadow work is hard as heck, but I want to do it this time (last time it literally fell onto me like a house--pun intended).  Blessed Be.  

What's in a Candle?

I woke up feeling bad this morning.  My stomach has been turning and gurgling since around 2 AM.  I decided to call in to work.  I spent pretty much all morning in bed hoping not to puke.   Around midmorning, I decided to get up and attempt to feel better.  I made myself some stomach ease tea and toast and set myself up at my altar.  I lit my candles and pulled a health and healing Oracle card.  Then, decided to make and light a small health candle in  an attempt to let this pass swiftly. All the while, I had music playing, as I so often do.  Music helps me clear out any unnecessary thoughts while I'm in my safe space.  I found this new (to me) artist, Lila, and downloaded her instrumental album--if you don't know it find it! Anyway, one of her songs came on, and it made me sit still and close my eyes, almost like in meditation.  Well, something drew me to open my eyes only slightly--the flame of my candle.  It's...


  How does one lose a whole order of stuff? Let me explain--I get a monthly subscription box from  .  I got my order in a few days ago.  I know what was in the order.  I know I didn't dream it coming in because I have at least the charm sitting and waiting to be put on my bracelet. I have the empty box from me opening it.  But I can't find the rest of my box!  I have looked where I opened it.  I have looked around my altar.  I looked everywhere that I would possibly have placed the stuff.   I'm going to take a breath and a break from looking and chalk it up to me not needing the contents at the moment.  I just wish I could remember.  That's the biggest problem--the not remembering.  My brain doesn't work too great since I've had trigeminal neuralgia issues. But I do feel like I have been getting stronger from the witch standpoint.  I just wish my mental state would be improving along ...


I keep a dream log.  It, like most things, are not consistent.  But y'all...I don't know if this was a dream... After work, I tend to lie down for about an hour.  Sometimes I sleep, but usually it's more a time to rest my mind and ease any stressors I may have brought home.   Yesterday was no exception.  I laid down on my bed.  My cat quickly jumped on my chest, which he tends to do when I've had a particularly stressful day.  I've been exhausted lately, so I went into saying positive affirmations about have more energy.  I don't know how long I was there with my eyes closed, because I never felt myself drift off or anything.  But when I opened my eyes, my cat wasn't there.  I mean, he was there--the weight, size, shape.  But instead of my tabby cat, I saw this red and black grid thing.  I don't know how else to explain it.  It freaked me out so much that I shoved him off of me.  He scratched my belly a little on...

Repeating Numbers

The past week or so, I've been seeing more and more repetitive numbers.  I know it means something is trying to send a message.  I've looked up the meanings of the ones I see most often.   I've been trying really hard to focus on my practice recently.  Meditating, spending time w/my altar, reminding myself that everything is a blessing.  I think I've been better off for it. I've also been veiling at home.  I wish I could do it at work, too.  I may need to find a way around not being able to.  I just feel a bit lighter when I veil.   Today, I'm making a beef roast with root vegetables.  You see, starting today I'm able to celebrate Mabon.  Mabon, or Fall Equinox, technically falls on Sept. 22 this year.  However, it is celebrated between the 20 and 22.  And, with it being in the middle of the week, I've opted to cook earlier.  I made sure to research each ingredient--what they're used for in magick/what they'...

In the Eye of the Hurricane

Ah, back to a bit of Magick! First off, I did what I said I would and took the weekend to get back to me.  I meditated.  I lit candles.  I set intentions.  It all felt so good!  I am still working and progressing towards accepting what may be my new normal with my face, but it's a work in progress. Now, with two storms on my doorstep, I did a candle to help protect.  Dressing the candle and setting my intentions felt SOOOOOO nice.  Watching its burn and feeling as though I'm doing something right felt wonderful.  I won't go into detail about my intentions or the spell itself, for protective reasons.  But I used both herbs and oils that I looked up that are good for protection and for storm safety.  Since Marco doesn't seem to be much of a threat anymore, I'll do my offering for Nature tomorrow most likely to ask for protection from Laura.   I still have my Reiki practice on hold.  I know one of the first "rules" is you can...

Trigeminal Neuralgia

Well, it seems I have my diagnosis.  The doctor is confident it's Trigeminal neuralgia and neuropathy.     Those may not be spelled correctly.   It gets better--all of my tests were normal, which is a good thing.  However, it also means that there is no real reason as to why this started.   It gets even better--the doctor, although trying to stay positive for her patient, didn't give much hope.  She more or less said things may fade but they'll come back.  She also said that the numbness will prolly not go away. I don't think I've processed it all just yet.  I do know I was overly angry yesterday at the world.  I hated that.  I put out way too much negativity into the universe.   I go from anger to depression to nothing in moments.  And in between is pain and my brain not thinking.  I keep telling myself to just be normal.  But all of this stuff is neurological--it's brain stuff.  How can...

Still Not Witchy

  I'm so very over this.   My newest symptom:  I feel as though the left side of my face is in a bucket of  ice water.   I know in my head it isn't cold.  I touch the area and it isn't cold.  But this FEELING of cold is making me MISERABLE!  I can't even think well enough to get sentences out.   Don't worry, I did message the doctor: "Please continue taking notes and we'll discuss at your appointment on Thursday." What the actual hell?   So I guess this is my life now.  Every few weeks I'll get a new fun surprise symptom of this thing going on in my face that we don't know the cause of.   And, as MUCH as I want to read and practice, I can't.  I can barely focus enough to type out my thoughts right now.  Meditation doesn't happen.  Reading tires my eye too quickly.  And a coworker/friend said my new meds make me look high at work--lovely! I think I want to crawl in a (very warm) hole ...

Not Good

  I know I'm  the worst at keeping up with my posting.  I apologize for that.  I have so much going on health wise that it's hard to make the time for blogging unfortunately.   Let me explain... For about a month and a half (maybe two--time doesn't keep with me) I've been dealing with having half of my face numb... Picture this--you drink a tube of Orajel on 1/2 your mouth.  Then, the numbness spreads to the rest of your head.  Oh, and once in a while, you stick your finger in an electric socket, just to keep the nerves alive. That's been my life.  I had an MRA (like an MRI but different somehow) and an ultrasound of my thyroid yesterday.  I also started a new medicine that's supposed to help with the whole electrical socket feeling.  I'm so over the whole thing.  I have still been studying and practicing.  I turn to conversations in front of my altar a lot.  I hope that doesn't make me than usual. ...

Daily Tarot Learning

I have decided to start posting my tarot practice here.  I think it will help me see how much I may progress in my learning and understanding.  Today I tried a new 3 card spread intention,              Strength/Struggle/Advice                                            Queen of Cups (reversed)/5 of Swords/10 of Cups (Reversed) QoC Reversed: Still compassionate, but can become a martyr when out of balance. 5 of Swords: Surrounded by mixed feelings.  It's good to voice your opinion, but also pick your battles. 10oC Reversed: Still striving for more.  Notice you have everything you need in this moment. My interpretation: I am compassionate.  However, I need to be aware to put myself and my feelings in mind when being compassionate. I am having mixed feelings about The Hubby living so far away.  Wh...


I have started studying herbs.  I am focused on learning natural ways to better my health.  My top two issues, Fibromyalgia and Hashimotos, takes their toll all the time.  Most medicines I've tried have little to no effect.   Don't worry, everything herbal I use is legal, so don't run to sound any alarms.  And the most of my herbal intake will be topical or teas.  However, I'm not opposed to making smokeable herbal blends. In the end, I need relief.  I'm forever in pain.  There are days that I can't remember the simplest things.  I'm so just so tired. Now that I'm living w/just my kids (The Hubby is out of state for work) I have to be able to step up more.  I have to be there for my kids and be strong enough to make it through. Herbs, oils, meditation--these are things I can do to help myself through.  I am amazed at all I'm learning.  And hopefully one day I'll be able to share it all with you.

Always Learning

I decided the past few days to do more research to the names I'm working on towards my witch name--the name I'll use in my practice.   LaLaurie I liked right away as a last name because she was from NOLA... Then I read more and more deeply. At first glance, my research pointed to witch.  She wasn't.  She was just a cruel woman, whether or not it was the norm at her time.  I can't glorify her past by choosing this last name. I'm still good with Harleen "Harley"'s just the last name I'm struggling with.  I want something French/American since that's my background.   Right now, I'm researching the names from famous witches of LeFay and Valiente.  I'm excited to see where it takes me. I'm hoping to use the extra time I have in life now that the hubby lives so far away to strengthen my practice and learn as much as I possibly can.

The North

I have returned from our long journey in Minnesota.  We drove there, moved my husband in, spent time adventuring, and drove home.  We have been home for a couple of days, and I'm still exhausted! So much happened in the past few weeks... I fell more in love with Minnesota My daughter lost a dear friend I struggled with my depression knowing I'd have to leave my husband there I was outdoors more than I've been since I was a kid I also found it hard to be a witch up there...mostly because most of my books and things were down south.  I did my daily card pull from my Oracles still...and 9 out of 10 I pulled the "well being" card.  I know now that it was fussing me.  I didn't put myself first up there very much.  I wanted my daughter to get the most out of our time.  It became even more important after her friend took his life.   A child should never have to struggle with such loss.  I was so worried about her.  She went into id...

Just Saying Things Once

I haven't posted anything on social media about what's going on in the world around us.  Some people see that as not caring or hating on things.  Trust me, it isn't. Every moment I feel the pain around me.  I feel it all.  I'm an Empath.  It's draining.  I find myself crying when I'm not knowing why.  It all hurts.  It all effects me.   I can't and won't state my feelings online.  All I can say is, while so many other witches are hexing tonight, I will not.  I will, if anything, use any strength I do have for healing.  That's my gift.  That's my job.   So that is what you'll get from me.  If you think this makes me a bad person or biased or racist or whatever, that's your choice.   This is my choice. I choose healing.  I choose love.  I choose life.  

Yes, I'm Fat

This isn't totally witch-focused... But this is my outlet my way, so here I am. I am a fat Cajun gal who is really good at cooking and eating.  In 10 days, we are traveling to Detroit Lakes, MN for about a month.  There's so much beauty and nature there.  And, at the health I'm in, I won't be able to enjoy it all.  So I've been trying to be a little more active.  I'll be the first to admit this Coronacation has made me very sedentary.  Other than fishing, I haven't done much physical stuff. Yesterday I was going to start watching what I eat.  And, in true fashion, my body went, "EAT ALL THE THINGS!!!"  I had a hysterectomy in December, but I swear I still get moments of PMS.  Add to that The Girl being an AMAZING baker that just happened to make a coconut cream cake last night--diet fail!!! So, I'm at a crossroads.  Do I continue to only try to move more?  Do I ignore the cake and eat healthy?  ....Yeah, that won't happ...


I think that title diminishes how big of a shift I had yesterday. First off, we woke up bright and early and went fishing in the Gulf.  I was exhausted because we moved The Girl out of her dorm Friday.  However, I knew the water and wind would help me.  And boy, did it!  I enjoyed every wave.  Each splash in my face awakened me.  The wind swirling around me cleansed me.  I felt so much peace. Then, the horror of my evening.  I thought The Boy's dog peed on my floor.  For the record, that's how she retaliates.  And for two days in a row we weren't home to let her be free in the house.  My anxiety broke when I requested The Hubby's help and he didn't come straight away.  Then, when I tried to apologize, he made it worse.  He got short with me, threw down some things to get them out the way of the mess, and made a mess of my altar area.  I felt like I was the one thrown on the wall.  I broke.  I curled up i...

Second Day

So, for the second day in a row, I feel pretty bad.  My brain is still mush.  My nerve endings are tingly all over.  I feel pretty nauseous.  I know it's not me being actually sick because  A.  The nerve thing and B.  The nausea doesn't stop me from eating. I didn't meditate today.  I know, that doesn't help me any.  I napped so much this afternoon that kind of took the place of it.  Also, when I woke up from my nap, my nerves were charged and I struggled to move. I had to ignore how I'm feeling this morning.  The Hubby had an appointment in NOLA to be cleared for travel.  He had to get his eyes dilated, so I had to go with.  I'm happy to report he can travel. Tomorrow I have to yet again ignore how I'm feeling.  We have to travel to Natchitoches to gather the girl child's things from her school.  That's a 4 hour ride both ways.  I hope I can take it.   I hope this doesn't last.  The...


I woke up feeling quite off today.  I'm not sure why.  It's almost like I'm tired but not sleepy.  My brain feels sluggish.  It's almost like I'm a walking zombie.  I'd say it's my depression, but it doesn't feel like my depression.  Even putting thoughts together for this blog has me struggling. What can it be?  I know I need to ask my Oracle Cards for advice.  I just fear I won't be able to focus my intention to them. Does anyone have advice/thoughts? Is anyone out there that actually follows me? Hello?

What's In A Name

Something I've learned is many witches find a name as their Witch Name.  It's a form of both protection and expression.  I don't know if I posted about this in the past, and I'm in no mood to go explore, so bare with me. I had a couple of names sticking with me.  One for a long time, but I'll soon explain why I didn't know if I wanted to answer its calling.  The other was Ginny.  It's kind of a play on my name, which would make it easy to closet.  Also, because of its closeness to my given name, it had the same definition as my name.  I lived with it for a couple weeks now.  I liked, it but it didn't make me happy or however I thought I should feel. Then there's this--Harley.  I love this name.  And yes, it's because of one Ms. Harley Quinn.  I've always been drawn to her.  She's super smart but dangerous.  I don't know why I like her so much, but I do--enough to own many Harley items.  But that's just it--it's a ...

1 AM

Ah, Insomnia... I have not spent time with you in quite a long time. However, here I am, up since 1AM, unable to get back to sleep. Some people haven't even gone to bed yet! I had this problem more often before my hysterectomy.  I'd get up in the wee hours of the morning for a bathroom visit and I wouldn't be able to get back to sleep.  So, while this is nothing really new for me, it's not my norm anymore. So, I'll sit here, drink a warm beverage, and do some research.  At least I can be somewhat productive with this added time to my day without waking anyone else. However, moments like this make me wish my altar wasn't in the bedroom so I could make something that would maybe help me get back to sleep....

Art Thou Amused?

So something I found amusing but terrifying happened to me the other day and I thought I'd share because I'm sure I'm not the only one.... As per one of my recent posts, I attempted smoking an herb the other day out of desperation for pain relief of any sort.  And no, it's not the herb most  of you may think of straight off the bat, so there.  Well, Saturday, I was saging the house, and some of the said herb's residue was still in the thing I use to keep myself from dropping burning embers all over the place while I cleanse.  So the house smelled heavy of many burning herbs.  Yes, the windows were open--the weather was SO nice Saturday that the windows stayed open all day--lovely treat for May in South Louisiana! Anyway, no sooner I get the smoke going all over the place, my phone rings--it's my parents.  They wanted to stop by for a little visit since they were already in the area.  Great, now I smell like smoke, the house smells like I'm trying t...

Socially Medial

On a Facebook group, I asked if others use Instagram or TikTok.  I enjoy seeing witchy things in both worlds.   Y'all...the responses... Someone said that TT is from China and they don't trust it. they're not already watching all of us.  I get it, China spying is bad.  But they are already.  And I don't post anything of importance on the app.  In fact, the person in charge of spying on me is most likely more worried about my well being rather than gathering intel. So, here it goes.  I have an Instagram account you can follow.  The username is Cajunpassion.  It's for witchiness, but also for my stuff I make AND LGNT+ Ally.   I also have that evil TikTok.  @ginny_ahnah Neither of those are of great importance.  About as much is seen as this blog, which is not at all.  I use them more to see others rather than have others see me. So, if you're bored to tears and want to follow me, please ...

Pure Joy

So let me tell you a story. This evening, I decided to partake in herbal uses.   Hey, I'm a witch.  My altar's shelves are filled with different herbs.  And yes, some you can ingest. I took a bath after.  As I'm laying there, soaking, something hits me.   I.  Have.  No.  Pain. on a pain scale at the doctor's office, I'd be a 1. I cried.  I sobbed.  I don't honestly know the last time I felt no pain.  I have done so many healing spells on others and myself.  And, although I'm happy to say most of my spells for others work, my self work doesn't seem to.  So to say this is a HUGE deal for me is an understatement.   I have been in pain for so long.  There are days that I struggle to get out of bed, but I do it, and I work through the pain.  There are other days that I feel like a total waste of space because out of bed is my only accomplishment. You can say witchcraft is...

Witchy Habits

Strange things I've said/done since starting this journey: ~collecting yarn, even though I can't sew ~transferring herbs to and from my room/kitchen ~Saying good morning to the tree in my yard, the plants my daughter is growing, the spider that I'm terrified of in my mailbox ~Saying aloud, "Damn, that was a sign," hours after something happens ~mentally debating if I should get a jar for the rainwater when it's falling ~changing clothes just to do something witchy and then back again ~arguing with myself about whether there's something in my dream that's important ~taking pics of random grass and weeds to look up if they're important ~going to the store for one thing, and leaving with many many others.  And, when questioned, simply saying, "because witchy." I'm sure there are more...I may add more as I go.  These just popped in my head while reading another's page. Be blessed.

Don't Ignore Signs

Yesterday was strange. First off, from the moment I woke up, I heard voices (in my head).  Something/someone was saying something....almost muffled yelling...but I couldn't understand it.  I tried meditating.  I tried mindful sitting.  I just couldn't get it. To be fair, I have been asking lately that my guardians come to me in my dreams.  Instead of that happening, I've been having repetitive dreams from when I was younger.  I used to have these 3-5 same dreams all the time.  They're all about people in my past/past relationships.  They're all fictional events.  But now they're back. I can't shake this feeling that something is calling to me.  Something or someone is trying to tell me something, and I don't know how to hear it. ~~~~~ Now, for the "signs" title.  We were taking the boat out yesterday for the first time.  It's an old boat that The Hubby has worked a lot on, and Saturday he got it up and running fin...

That Witchy Vibe

You ever get that feeling?    That feeling that, and you have no idea why, but something is a GREAT idea you MUST do NOW? I got that this morning. I pulled out a pot and filled it with water.  I then added orange and lemon slices as it started heating up.  I then went to my herbs and pulled rosemary, thyme, and sage and tossed them in!  While this process began, a song came on KPPR Pure Pagan Radio  (in case you want to check it out).  I looked it up,  Firebird's Child  and had to upload it to my playlist.  It moved me, and I put on some "witchy" clothes I've scrounged up.  I danced and sang.  I lit sage and spun around in the smoke.  I chanted and told any bad vibes in my home to be gone.  It was wonderful! I haven't moved like that in a very long time.  I feel so free and happy...and sweaty (But that's what happens when you don't move much).   I don't know if it was a witchy thing to other, o...

Changing Times

Oh, how the world has changed since I started this journey.  I feel as though that's why I found this part of me when I did.  I needed to change myself so I could handle the changing world.  I know I wouldn't be so well off if I hadn't changed.  I just can tell my anxiety would be getting the better of me much more often.  Earthy-existence can be quite frightening right now.  But most days I'm calm.  In fact, I think I've had only one anxiety-stricken moment....   I spend most of my days at home now.  Lou is on her last week of online classes.  I spend many moments of my days doing and saying little things to keep The Boy and The Hubby safe since they are "essential."  I cook and read and learn to love the moments of nothing throughout my day.  I am spending a LOT more time outside just existing.   I don't craft as much as I did at the beginning of my journey.  I can't just go out to the store daily...

Happy Witch

So my day went better yesterday once I vented.  Thanks for that. After my blogging, I went outside and did some weeding around part of our driveway (it's HUGE, so I couldn't get it all done in one day).  I then drank some tea, meditated, and cleaned around the house some.  And, in that time, made peace with all that was troubling me. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I ordered some witchy things the other day.  Once every couple of months I add to my collection.  I am SO glad these things came in when they did!  I'll post links and pictures once my phone gets off of punishment (it hasn't been keeping a charge at all). The place I ordered from is here --  Magick Planet So, I ordered two ADORABLE little dragons to add to my decor around my altar space I FINALLY bit the bullet and got myself a mortar and pestle.  I am SO stoked about this purchase.  I've looked for months for just the right thing. I got a new Oracle deck!  I have only heard thing...


Let's take a moment off the topic of witchery... Instead, I want to tell you something more personal about my life.  I have a sister....technically a 1/2 sister, but I didn't know that 'til we were adults.  Anyway, she's about 6 1/2 years older than me.  She didn't like me growing up.  I was the annoying little bother.  Once she was an adult and moved out, we became closer, but never really close.  I always wanted to be close.  But as the years have passed, she just never reciprocated.  I was always one call away--but the call was always when she needed something. I could go into more detail, but I'm working on release all the hurt, so I just won't.  In November, she and her family moved 5 hours away.  It made sense for them--her son is in college there and her daughter went to my daughter's school (she dropped this semester).  I try to stay in contact with my niece and nephew, but they respond about as much as she does. ...
Ah, the boredom.   The fairies garden is the only place I don't feel the boredom.  I'm either pulling grass and weeds, making something new for it, or researching how to make plants happier.  I have a black thumb, but I'm determined.  I never thought I'd feel so connected to the outdoors again.  We went fishing the other day (yes, I know we should stay home).  I needed the outdoors and peace.  It was so quiet, and the air was so fresh. Staying away from people isn't a problem for me.  I love the solitude and being surrounded by my family.  My daughter is home from boarding school for good until either Summer school or next semester.  Sadly, my son and husband still have to work.  I'm glad for the income, because so many are without and that'd add stress to an already thin balance.  However, with my suppressed immune system self, it's kind of scary. I have made my protections.  I often do little things to ma...

Don't Get Confused

I know it looks like I posted a zillion times today!  I haven't gone any more mad than normal.  I decided to stop hiding who I am, and opted to post all of the drafts that were stored away...and didn't realize they'd all come with today's date! So I went back and dated them in the blog itself. Sorry...enjoy... Is anybody out there?

A Tough One

2.10.2020 This is a difficult post, because it's not what it should be about. It should be about how excited I was getting certified in Reiki. It should be about what ritual or love I gave to last night's full moon. It should be about the fact that today would have been my grandmother's birthday, and how I was hoping to find a way to do something in her memory. This post isn't about that, however. Instead, this post is about my depression. this post has to be about how quickly my positive outlook and excitement was crushed by the one person I choose to love wholeheartedly.   When I got home last night, all of my positive outlook and hopes for the future died.  All of this because of alcohol. It's hard to face that a drink is more important to someone than your feelings. Instead of coming home and celebrating my Reiki certification with Marlin while drinking mead outside under the full moon, I come home to find Drunk Marlin.  I hate Drunk Marlin. ...


2.27.2020 I've been slacking on keeping up with journaling.  I've been doing a LOT of crafting, which I've loved.  I've made around 6 wreaths, painted, created....lots of things that take my mind off of not working.  I really hope that I can continue art once I'm back at work.  It really does make me happy. I also have another new venture coming.  Tomorrow, I'm taking a Reiki class!  This class will get me to level 2.  That means I'll be able to make it a practice.  With doing both the art stuff and the Reiki, I need a business license.  My dad helped me come up with "CajunPassion Heal 'N Arts" for the name.  I like it.  Cajun Passion because I already have the email name....Heal for Reiki....Arts for crafting.  I still haven't gotten to the parish office to get my license, but I'm not in a rush.  I want this all to be worth it.   I want to be successful.  My end game is having this all under my belt a...


1.24.2020 Am I weird? What am I saying, of COURSE I'm weird.  I'm on bed rest for 24 hours right now.  After the past month of healing, having a setback drives me mad.  But today hasn't been terrible thus far. I tried to do a 12 hour fast.  That didn't last.  Doesn't exactly mix well with insulin resistance.  Oh well, I was at least able to try a few of my teas.  I also made it a point to not overeat.  It's the little things, right? I also did something earlier that was in the box checked for weirdness.  I took all of my pillows on the sofa and the bed and made a bed in front of my altar.  I felt like the altar was calling me.  I don't know how else to explain it.  I lit my health candle and meditated a bit.  I then played some healing Mhz sounds and fell right asleep.  I only slept for an hour or two, but it was amazing.   In all of this, I felt better.  I feel better.  I feel relaxed an...

Not Here

1.21.2020 I have been noticeably absent lately.  My dad was admitted to the hospital Friday.  Friday evening, he had emergency surgery.  He's still in the hospital, with no end in sight.  I'm not going into the details right now... Anyway, I went visit 4 days in a row.  4 days in a hospital of sick/needy people.  4 days in a room with a very sick man that I love and adore.  To say I've been drained of energy is an understatement.  I know I'm not ready to heal others.  I'm still learning and I know I didn't do grounding and meditation.  But I had to try. It's so weird.  My stomach wasn't right the 4 days.  I was gassy and bloated and not that hungry.  And I'd come home and meditate and BOOM, I'd be waking up from a nap.  I'd like to believe that my attempts at helping worked.  He's still got a long road ahead, but he's drinking juice now, which is better than 4 days with ice chips. I couldn't go today...

Just Witchy

1.24.2020 I have been falling behind as far as where I'd like to be.  Since being put on basic bed rest from an infection, all I've been doing is vegging.  That and reading--a lot, which is good.  I'm learning so much already, about the Craft and myself.   I do make it a point to, if nothing else, to do routine practice/maintenance.  I pray to The Goddess over my coffee.  I thank Her for my food.  I meditate and/or lay on my accupressure mat.  And I try to do one creative thing a day.   Even with all of this, I wish I could be doing more.  But I know I have to heal.  And that has to be first at the moment. On another witchy note: The other day, I went to the library.  When I got out my car, I spotted a cute brown porous rock.It had "shinys" in it, so of course I picked it up.  After some research, I realized it was a landscaping rock....but not just any rock.  It's name? Minnesota mahogany. ...

Which Witch

Merry Meet! 1.11.2020 First, I feel like I should introduce myself.  My name is Jennifer, Jenn for short.  I at times go under another name, Quinn.  I'm sure you can guess by my blog name, I'm from South Louisiana.  How South?  Oh, about 45-60 minutes to the Gulf as the raven flies. Now, those of you whom know me personally and surly thinking, "Not another blog, this girl's gone mad." First off, I've BEEN mad, so nothing new there.  Secondly, I'm not quite ready to come out of the broom closet.  In fact, IF I ever decide to make this a public for all to see place, I'll have to change it a lot.  I'm better at typing, so I'm working on putting my journaling here instead of the one I have.  I forget to write often.  Or, I'm writing and my CTS acts up, and I stop before I'm really done.  This is just another avenue. My Witchy Backstory: I consider myself to very much be a baby witch.  However, my thoughts of this ...

A New Space

I come to you today from my back yard.  It's going to be another really hot day in South LA.  However, with the breeze as it is, nature called to me.  I was going to write from my altar today...let's just call this another altar. I had the Pagean radio station blaring for a while.  I turned it off now.  The birds are so vocal this morning!  The crickets are telling me the temperature.  I am blessed to live in a country setting.  Sure, I still hear the neighbor's dogs barking and the other neighbor yelling a his dog....but it's so peaceful nonetheless. Oh...and I can't forget the cat that's been my shadow the past week... This whole virus thing has had me thinking so much more lately.  My son works in a store that is considered essential.  My husband works in a profession also labeled as such.  So they're exposed daily.  My daughter is home from boarding school.  She and I spend most days in the house.  Thankfu...

Ostara Blessings!

Oh how I am so excited to post that!  Spring Equinox.  The beginning of transition from darker days to light and life. I've decided that, since I've been blessed with time off, I'm going to do a TON to celebrate this wonderful time for Mother Earth.  I've created a nest.  I've decorated eggs and my altar with springy things.  I'm going to decorate the living room later (my kid is using it as her classroom right now).  And I'm making a bit of a feast tonight. The menu? Air fryer chicken Air fried corn cobs Steamed mixed greens Endless Summer salad (they didn't have a Spring mix) rolls and a honey cake made by my daughter (I'm just not a baker). We're bringing the big folding table in to all sit together to eat tonight.  My house is too small for a dining table.  I'll have decor and table covers.   Since my surgery in December, I've struggled.  I've been tired even more often.  I've had to choose many days betwee...


All of my previous posts are, well, not here.  Not yet at least. You see, I live in a VERY Catholic area....        Very Catholic and very judgy.... And, to be honest, I've been scared to hit that 'publish' button. But then I got to thinking--why?  I sit here and tell kids that are scared to be who they truly are to not hide and not care what others think, as long as they are authentic.  And here I am, hiding, for fear of the thoughts of others. Well, not anymore.  I've started creating, in my home business that I've started w/art, wish jars.  Yes, they're spell jars and balls.  But yes, the community is more apt to the word wish.  Fine, I'll accommodate.   People who know me, know who I am.  And, if not being of the same beliefs makes them think differently of me, then shame on them.  But my view of them shall not change.   SO here I am, the newest out witch in SOLA.  I do rituals and s...

Full Moon

1.11.2020 Last night was the first full moon of the year.  It was also a Wolf moon.  This was my first full moon as a witch. I'm still not feeling great, but I felt I had things I needed to do because it was so important.   First, I blessed and cleansed the house.  I found a nice chant online that I used while walking through the house.  I made sure to only say positive affirmations.   I also went outside for a bit and stood barefoot in the grass.  There, I thanked The Goddess for my journey and the peace in my heart.  Then, I began stating my intentions for the year.... Now, mind you, the weather in SOLA is not good right now at all.  The sky was dark because it was so cloudy.  The wind has been gusting pretty strong since yesterday afternoon... As I spoke my intentions, the moon made an appearance!  It was as if The Goddess was saying she saw me and accepted me.  I was almost driven to tears.  Once I ende...