Which Witch

Merry Meet!
First, I feel like I should introduce myself.  My name is Jennifer, Jenn for short.  I at times go under another name, Quinn.  I'm sure you can guess by my blog name, I'm from South Louisiana.  How South?  Oh, about 45-60 minutes to the Gulf as the raven flies.

Now, those of you whom know me personally and surly thinking, "Not another blog, this girl's gone mad."
First off, I've BEEN mad, so nothing new there.  Secondly, I'm not quite ready to come out of the broom closet.  In fact, IF I ever decide to make this a public for all to see place, I'll have to change it a lot.  I'm better at typing, so I'm working on putting my journaling here instead of the one I have.  I forget to write often.  Or, I'm writing and my CTS acts up, and I stop before I'm really done.  This is just another avenue.

My Witchy Backstory:

I consider myself to very much be a baby witch.  However, my thoughts of this being a thing for me go back at least into my early teens.  My sister used to read tarot.  I loved it!  She also had a lot of "witchy" things, though she never did actually say she was or practice as a witch.  And, when I'd want to explore, she'd make fun of me.  Add that to the fact that the internet wasn't widely available and multiply that by the fact that I was raised REALLY Catholic (heck, I was an altar server!) and I never pursued it.

Life continued.  I fell out of grace when I divorced my first husband.  The fact that the church wanted me to apologize for having my son and say he was a mistake and the other fact that they wanted money to "clear my soul" left a horrid taste in my mouth.  Again, life went on.  I met my now husband soonafter my ex left me.  I had a beautiful daughter, and we got married 6 months later.  Although I 'kept in touch' with God, he and I didn't have the best relationship.  And I never found another religion that was home for me.

Fast very forward to Dec. 23, 2019.  I had a hysterectomy.  First off, best decision I made!  Though I sit here still recovering, I feel so much better.  That recovering time I'm in gives me a lot of time just sitting.  I started looking within myself.  I allowed my heart to lead me, and searched whatever popped up.  I started looking at "empath/healer" articles.
I've always felt what others feel.  I've had trauma in my life, which actually taught me to numb myself or turn it off.  However, the past few years I've worked through a lot of that muck.  It's lead me to being very in tune again.  When others cry, I cry.  When they try to mask their pain, I cry more.  I was always called weird by everyone, including myself.  But now I see it on my screen--it's not in my head.  It's a thing.  And I wholeheartedly believe I am one.

Those articles led to more.  I started looking at the witchcraft side of it.  It all called to me.  I felt something opening up inside.  I felt calm.  I had a creative explosion!  I started making things, researching how to make more.  Then I started thinking of Faith.  I started off saying 'Christian Witch.'  But, while meditating, questions came.

Am I Christian?  I mean, I believe in God....but not in the male representation that is depicted.  And I don't believe She is a human form...more of like an energy.  The Energy that created everyone and everything.

Am I Pagan?  That is a loaded question for sure!  There are so many branches that believe in so many things....Which is right for me?

After days of research, I finally found whom I believe I am.  

I am Jennifer, or Jenn.  I sometimes go by Quinn.  And I am a NeoPagan Ecentric Witch.

This means this:
-I believe there is one Goddess, the Creator of everything.
-She is just because of the creativity nature, but She is Energy, not an actual being
-She gets help from a lesser god, and he is in charge of the nature and natural side of things.
-I am a witch of many colors.  I enjoy learning about the Art Witch, the Green Witch, the Healers and Empaths, The Home Witch, and more.  I have a feeling once I get deep into practice, one will stand out more than the others.

These past few weeks have been awakening.  To my core I feel whole.  I do little rituals I've heard of daily.  I did my first spell yesterday.  

I'm not saying I'm going to be a 'pro' anytime soon.  I am very much in learning phase.  I am sure I'll be a baby for a long time.  But I love it.  I truly do.  

And I pray that, once my friends and family find out, they accept me.  But I also know that if they don't, that's their issue, not mine.  As long as my core family loves me, I'm just fine.


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