Second Day

So, for the second day in a row, I feel pretty bad.  My brain is still mush.  My nerve endings are tingly all over.  I feel pretty nauseous.  I know it's not me being actually sick because 
A.  The nerve thing
B.  The nausea doesn't stop me from eating.

I didn't meditate today.  I know, that doesn't help me any.  I napped so much this afternoon that kind of took the place of it.  Also, when I woke up from my nap, my nerves were charged and I struggled to move.

I had to ignore how I'm feeling this morning.  The Hubby had an appointment in NOLA to be cleared for travel.  He had to get his eyes dilated, so I had to go with.  I'm happy to report he can travel.

Tomorrow I have to yet again ignore how I'm feeling.  We have to travel to Natchitoches to gather the girl child's things from her school.  That's a 4 hour ride both ways.  I hope I can take it.  

I hope this doesn't last.  The Girl has been nice and brought me herbs and such that she's been growing.  Luckily, the mint helped a bit.  


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