Trigeminal Neuralgia
Well, it seems I have my diagnosis. The doctor is confident it's Trigeminal neuralgia and neuropathy. Those may not be spelled correctly.
It gets better--all of my tests were normal, which is a good thing. However, it also means that there is no real reason as to why this started.
It gets even better--the doctor, although trying to stay positive for her patient, didn't give much hope. She more or less said things may fade but they'll come back. She also said that the numbness will prolly not go away.
I don't think I've processed it all just yet. I do know I was overly angry yesterday at the world. I hated that. I put out way too much negativity into the universe.
I go from anger to depression to nothing in moments. And in between is pain and my brain not thinking. I keep telling myself to just be normal. But all of this stuff is neurological--it's brain stuff. How can I not worry about the effect of what's going on?
This weekend is going to be used for self work. I'm going to meditate and try to figure myself out. My Oracles have been telling me for months to focus on my well being. It's beyond time to listen.
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