
Showing posts from May, 2020

Yes, I'm Fat

This isn't totally witch-focused... But this is my outlet my way, so here I am. I am a fat Cajun gal who is really good at cooking and eating.  In 10 days, we are traveling to Detroit Lakes, MN for about a month.  There's so much beauty and nature there.  And, at the health I'm in, I won't be able to enjoy it all.  So I've been trying to be a little more active.  I'll be the first to admit this Coronacation has made me very sedentary.  Other than fishing, I haven't done much physical stuff. Yesterday I was going to start watching what I eat.  And, in true fashion, my body went, "EAT ALL THE THINGS!!!"  I had a hysterectomy in December, but I swear I still get moments of PMS.  Add to that The Girl being an AMAZING baker that just happened to make a coconut cream cake last night--diet fail!!! So, I'm at a crossroads.  Do I continue to only try to move more?  Do I ignore the cake and eat healthy?  ....Yeah, that won't happ...


I think that title diminishes how big of a shift I had yesterday. First off, we woke up bright and early and went fishing in the Gulf.  I was exhausted because we moved The Girl out of her dorm Friday.  However, I knew the water and wind would help me.  And boy, did it!  I enjoyed every wave.  Each splash in my face awakened me.  The wind swirling around me cleansed me.  I felt so much peace. Then, the horror of my evening.  I thought The Boy's dog peed on my floor.  For the record, that's how she retaliates.  And for two days in a row we weren't home to let her be free in the house.  My anxiety broke when I requested The Hubby's help and he didn't come straight away.  Then, when I tried to apologize, he made it worse.  He got short with me, threw down some things to get them out the way of the mess, and made a mess of my altar area.  I felt like I was the one thrown on the wall.  I broke.  I curled up i...

Second Day

So, for the second day in a row, I feel pretty bad.  My brain is still mush.  My nerve endings are tingly all over.  I feel pretty nauseous.  I know it's not me being actually sick because  A.  The nerve thing and B.  The nausea doesn't stop me from eating. I didn't meditate today.  I know, that doesn't help me any.  I napped so much this afternoon that kind of took the place of it.  Also, when I woke up from my nap, my nerves were charged and I struggled to move. I had to ignore how I'm feeling this morning.  The Hubby had an appointment in NOLA to be cleared for travel.  He had to get his eyes dilated, so I had to go with.  I'm happy to report he can travel. Tomorrow I have to yet again ignore how I'm feeling.  We have to travel to Natchitoches to gather the girl child's things from her school.  That's a 4 hour ride both ways.  I hope I can take it.   I hope this doesn't last.  The...


I woke up feeling quite off today.  I'm not sure why.  It's almost like I'm tired but not sleepy.  My brain feels sluggish.  It's almost like I'm a walking zombie.  I'd say it's my depression, but it doesn't feel like my depression.  Even putting thoughts together for this blog has me struggling. What can it be?  I know I need to ask my Oracle Cards for advice.  I just fear I won't be able to focus my intention to them. Does anyone have advice/thoughts? Is anyone out there that actually follows me? Hello?

What's In A Name

Something I've learned is many witches find a name as their Witch Name.  It's a form of both protection and expression.  I don't know if I posted about this in the past, and I'm in no mood to go explore, so bare with me. I had a couple of names sticking with me.  One for a long time, but I'll soon explain why I didn't know if I wanted to answer its calling.  The other was Ginny.  It's kind of a play on my name, which would make it easy to closet.  Also, because of its closeness to my given name, it had the same definition as my name.  I lived with it for a couple weeks now.  I liked, it but it didn't make me happy or however I thought I should feel. Then there's this--Harley.  I love this name.  And yes, it's because of one Ms. Harley Quinn.  I've always been drawn to her.  She's super smart but dangerous.  I don't know why I like her so much, but I do--enough to own many Harley items.  But that's just it--it's a ...

1 AM

Ah, Insomnia... I have not spent time with you in quite a long time. However, here I am, up since 1AM, unable to get back to sleep. Some people haven't even gone to bed yet! I had this problem more often before my hysterectomy.  I'd get up in the wee hours of the morning for a bathroom visit and I wouldn't be able to get back to sleep.  So, while this is nothing really new for me, it's not my norm anymore. So, I'll sit here, drink a warm beverage, and do some research.  At least I can be somewhat productive with this added time to my day without waking anyone else. However, moments like this make me wish my altar wasn't in the bedroom so I could make something that would maybe help me get back to sleep....

Art Thou Amused?

So something I found amusing but terrifying happened to me the other day and I thought I'd share because I'm sure I'm not the only one.... As per one of my recent posts, I attempted smoking an herb the other day out of desperation for pain relief of any sort.  And no, it's not the herb most  of you may think of straight off the bat, so there.  Well, Saturday, I was saging the house, and some of the said herb's residue was still in the thing I use to keep myself from dropping burning embers all over the place while I cleanse.  So the house smelled heavy of many burning herbs.  Yes, the windows were open--the weather was SO nice Saturday that the windows stayed open all day--lovely treat for May in South Louisiana! Anyway, no sooner I get the smoke going all over the place, my phone rings--it's my parents.  They wanted to stop by for a little visit since they were already in the area.  Great, now I smell like smoke, the house smells like I'm trying t...

Socially Medial

On a Facebook group, I asked if others use Instagram or TikTok.  I enjoy seeing witchy things in both worlds.   Y'all...the responses... Someone said that TT is from China and they don't trust it. they're not already watching all of us.  I get it, China spying is bad.  But they are already.  And I don't post anything of importance on the app.  In fact, the person in charge of spying on me is most likely more worried about my well being rather than gathering intel. So, here it goes.  I have an Instagram account you can follow.  The username is Cajunpassion.  It's for witchiness, but also for my stuff I make AND LGNT+ Ally.   I also have that evil TikTok.  @ginny_ahnah Neither of those are of great importance.  About as much is seen as this blog, which is not at all.  I use them more to see others rather than have others see me. So, if you're bored to tears and want to follow me, please ...

Pure Joy

So let me tell you a story. This evening, I decided to partake in herbal uses.   Hey, I'm a witch.  My altar's shelves are filled with different herbs.  And yes, some you can ingest. I took a bath after.  As I'm laying there, soaking, something hits me.   I.  Have.  No.  Pain. on a pain scale at the doctor's office, I'd be a 1. I cried.  I sobbed.  I don't honestly know the last time I felt no pain.  I have done so many healing spells on others and myself.  And, although I'm happy to say most of my spells for others work, my self work doesn't seem to.  So to say this is a HUGE deal for me is an understatement.   I have been in pain for so long.  There are days that I struggle to get out of bed, but I do it, and I work through the pain.  There are other days that I feel like a total waste of space because out of bed is my only accomplishment. You can say witchcraft is...