What's been going on
Just a few things that I've been doing: I did a manifestation ritual on 11/11. It used candles that represented health/prosperity/love/protection/self. Since Samhain I've felt a presence when I'm at my altar area. It's always on my right side. I have a friend coming one day to help me be sure it's a guide and not something dark. I don't think it is, but it's better to be sure, and she's better at that part in her practice. I bought some new Oracle cards-- Dark Mirror, Wisdom of the Night, and Dream. I'm hoping they help me grow in different aspects of my practice. I've been so tired after work each day. I'm so unprepared in the mornings that I haven't been writing down my dreams. I need to make myself write down what I remember right away so I can add them to my log later. I did a Reiki session on my mom the other day. It felt good to use my skills to help. It seemed she fully enjoyed t...