
Showing posts from January, 2020

Full Moon

1.11.2020 Last night was the first full moon of the year.  It was also a Wolf moon.  This was my first full moon as a witch. I'm still not feeling great, but I felt I had things I needed to do because it was so important.   First, I blessed and cleansed the house.  I found a nice chant online that I used while walking through the house.  I made sure to only say positive affirmations.   I also went outside for a bit and stood barefoot in the grass.  There, I thanked The Goddess for my journey and the peace in my heart.  Then, I began stating my intentions for the year.... Now, mind you, the weather in SOLA is not good right now at all.  The sky was dark because it was so cloudy.  The wind has been gusting pretty strong since yesterday afternoon... As I spoke my intentions, the moon made an appearance!  It was as if The Goddess was saying she saw me and accepted me.  I was almost driven to tears.  Once I ende...